Katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)

The Cercidiphyllum is a deciduous tree

Image - Wikimedia / Jean-Pol GRANDMONT

El Cercidiphyllum japonicum It is a tree of great beauty. It has an elegant bearing, and a tidy crown full of leaves reminiscent of those of other trees that are also widely used as ornamentals: the Cercis, with C. siliquastrum being the one we grow the most in Spain. But let's not get sidetracked.

Our protagonist is a perfect plant to include, for example, in the design of a Japanese garden, since, like many other species native to the Japanese country, needs acidic soils to be able to maintain green leaves, and not with iron deficiencies.

Where does he originate from? Cercidiphyllum japonicum?

Katsura's tree is not very big

It is a tree native to both Japan, as its surname indicates, as well as China. In its places of origin it can become a very large plant, even exceeding 30 meters in height, but when cultivated it is rare for it to exceed 10 meters. But in any case, the fact that it is smaller does not detract from its beauty; Quite the contrary: one could almost say that it makes it a more beautiful tree, and also, why not say it?, easier to control.

The leaves are rounded and green, but unlike those of the Cercis, those of the Katsura tree, as it is also called, are opposite. Also, they have a striking autumn coloration, as the green gives way to yellow and/or red, depending on the variety or cultivar you have.

Blooms in early spring, before the branches fill with leaves. The flowers can be male or female, and are found on different trees. Also, it is important to say that none of them have petals. As for the seeds, they are winged.

What is the katsura tree used for?

El Cercidiphyllum japonicum is a tree that is only given a single use: as ornamental plant. It is cultivated in gardens, both private and public, in those regions where the conditions are favorable to it; that is, in areas where they enjoy a temperate climate, with mild summers and cold winters, and where rainfall falls throughout the year.

For this reason, it is not a plant that is suitable for cultivation in climates that, although they are temperate, have very hot summers, such as in the Mediterranean, since the plant would suffer.

What are the care of the Cercidiphyllum japonicum?

It is a tree that, when the temperatures and the soil are right, is not difficult to care for. But when this is not the case, it can become very demanding. For this reason, it is important that we talk about what its needs are as a species, since in this way we will give it the opportunity to keep it alive:


As long as the climate is temperate, with mild temperatures and frosty winters, we can have it in full sun. But if in summer it exceeds 30ºC for several days, it is best to place it in a place protected from the sun, as this will prevent it from burning or suffering.


Cercidiphyllum japonicum turns red in autumn

Image - Wikimedia / peganum

It grows healthier and a better autumn color is achieved if it is planted in acidic soils.; that is, in soils whose pH (or degree of acidity) is between 4 and 6. In alkaline soils it is common to suffer iron chlorosis as a result of the lack of iron, and although it can be prevented for many years from manifesting, doing a very large hole (at least 1 x 1 meter), covering the sides except the base with plastic and filling the hole with acidic plant substrate, eventually the roots would reach the bottom of that hole, touching the alkaline soil.

Therefore, from experience caring for other trees that want acid soils, If the one you have in the garden is not, it is preferable to have it in a pot with a substrate with a low pH, such as . As it tolerates pruning, when the time comes you could plant it in a large pot, one of those with a diameter and height of about 80cm, and form it as a small tree.


The Katsura tree can't stand drought, not even a little bit. The earth can remain completely dry for one, two days, but no more. But be careful: this does not mean that you have to water it daily. During the summer it may be necessary to water every two days, especially if the temperatures are very high and the heat is extreme, but the rest of the year you have to wait for the soil to dry out a bit to reduce or prevent root rot.

In addition, it is necessary to know that the best water to irrigate is rainwater, although if it is not possible to obtain it, it can be irrigated with water suitable for consumption.


Especially if it is kept in a pot, to ensure that the Cercidiphyllum japonicum keep your color natural and healthy, we recommend paying it from the moment its flowers sprout (or the leaves, if it is still young and has not yet flowered), in summer and until we see that the leaves begin to change color in autumn. For example, you can use an acid compost or fertilizer, like this one from this article.


The flowers of the katsura tree do not have petals.

Image – Wikimedia/Gerd Eichmann

El Cercidiphyllum japonicum multiplies by seeds in spring. You simply have to fill a pot with substrate for acidic plants, water and bury the seeds a little, ensuring that they are separated from each other.

If they are viable, they will sprout after about eight weeks.


It is a very rustic tree, able to withstand frost down to -20ºC. However, extreme heat (+30ºC for several days in a row) weakens it.

Have you ever seen a Cercidiphyllum japonicum?

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